The inaugural RECON-Digital Animation Apprentice program came to an end on November 30th 2012. But back in March 2012, at the beginning of a 9 month Animation Apprenticeship, who knew what would come of a handful of aspiring animators and their first time instructor. Well, the fruits of this initiative are apparent in the 7 short films developed over the course of the training exercise.
RECON-Digital is a Kenyan animation studio carving out a niche for itself as a studio telling African stories for Africa and the World. The Animation Apprenticeship Programme was set up to identify, train and retain talented individuals to work with RECON-Digital in achieving its quest to become the most respected name in African Animation. During the apprenticeship, a small group of young Kenyans trained in character animation for 9 months under Gatumia Gatumia, of one of Kenya’s leading animators.
We believe that entertainment and indeed animation in particular have huge growth potential in Africa. We expect that as demand for more original African content increases, RECON-Digital will work to establish a strong presence in the Animation sector.
*We will announce subsequent Training Programmes as and when they are confirmed.*
© RECON-Digital. Bringing African Animation to the World.